P2P Education

Educators helping educators

We are proud to support educators and Early Childhood Education Centres across Australia. We work as the matchmakers to connect amazing educators with ECE centres to fulfil the demand for temporary cover requirements.

Educators looking for work

Become part of a team who really cares, earn great money, enjoy flexibility, gain experience and enjoy work every day.

ECE Centres looking for casual support

Experience what it’s like to have all your staffing needs taken care of, with quick support.

Get a more personal service with people2people Education

At people2people, we take pride in offering your centre quality educators who truly match your centres philosophies and culture, because the children at your centre deserve the best care and education every day.

P2P Education services

Connecting education, empowering careers

Simplify your early childhood education staffing

Our P2P Education team takes the hassle out of finding teachers and provides a personal service to help centres find the best staff available and help teachers take the next step in their early childhood careers.

Get in touch
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