June Temp of the Month Edition
Unfortunately, a transcript for this video is no longer available as the information and jobs provided are out dated.
Every Friday people2people produces a employment and job seeker market update live on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, X, and Instagram to talk all things recruitment. Hosted by Group Managing Director Mark Smith for the latest insights into the employment and job seeker markets. Explore our hot jobs across Australia and some exciting opportunities abroad in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
Joined weekly by one of our recruitment consultants across Australia, we cover a range of different topics along the career journey, and provide expert advice and insights to help you get the job you love.
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Season One
Join Mark Smith and the people2people team for our weekly live Employment and Market Update. This week, we are joined by Bianca Luck to announce and celebrate our June Temp of the Month winners. We will also take a look at some of our hot jobs that need to be filled ASAP in Fill Jobs Friday.
In her own words: ‘’I’ve only ever worked at two recruitment agencies. Loyalty and feeling secure are important to me. As for people2people; well, they’re like my family. I’ve never stopped loving recruiting and the buzz it gives me.” The candidates she’s placed in junior support roles back in the early days of her career are now Financial Controllers who rely on her exclusively to source talent. She is proud to be a part of this life cycle. She treats her clients and candidates well; relationships and commitment have always been the key to her success. It’s simple; whenever they call, she answers the phone. She is reliable, energetic, and delivers temporary and contract results, fast! She recalls a long-standing client commenting to her that when he hadn't heard back from her for a few hours he concluded she must have gone on an overseas holiday! She is now growing a contingent temporary and contract team focused on billing high and being happy.