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2024 RCSA Outstanding Large Agency and Candidate Care Winners

2023 SEEK Sara Candidate Experience Winners

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into their dream job

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Candidates in our database

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Customer satisfaction


Offices across Australia, NZ, and the UK

We hire quality talent, fast
Industry leading recruitment

Identifying potential today to build the careers and businesses of tomorrow

In business since February 2005 in Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, people2people is an award-winning recruitment agency and HR provider with people at our heart.

people2people began with the vision of building an agency that valued long term relationships with job seekers and employers rather than focusing on that quick ‘transactional’ fix. We understand even global businesses need to operate at a local level. Our specialised teams invest time in getting to know our clients' businesses and goals, achieving exceptional results through tailored services that deliver to your unique market requirements.

Our specialisations

We work with awesome employers

Learn more

2023 Industry Award Wins

  • 2024 Employment and Salary Trends Report

    Salary trends, talent attraction, and retention strategies

    Explore the future of recruitment in Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom,

    job seekers' expectations, and the latest labour market trends.

    Request your copy
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