2024 Employment and Salary Trends Report

2024 Employment and Salary Trends Report
Mark: We are here with Katie Dean from our Melbourne team, and she has a secret. The secret is that she has already got a copy of this year's P2P post, we call it internally, but it's the market report, employment, and salary change report that we produce each year. And so we thought we'd share with you a few snippets about the report and what you can expect and how to get a copy. So Katie, welcome to P2P Live. Tell us more about the market report and how you can get a hold of it.

Katie: Yes, thanks, Mark. So the launch of our 2024 employment and salary trends report has just been coming out in May. You've had a little bit of a look at it beforehand. That's that little secret, isn't it? Wasn't there a book called The Secret? Let's move on. So it's going to be following the buoyant market of 2022 and the skill shortages that took over in 2023. So this year's market report explores upcoming trends in recruitment, the evolving expectations of job seekers and labor market patterns. It provides remuneration insights to inform your hiring strategies and with an up-to-date overview of salary trends across Australia. Now, in its 12th iteration of our employment and salary report, investigates the evolution of workplaces across Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. So this year, our report focused on the state of talent attraction, what our job seekers are identifying as driving factors in their job search and the many challenges that pop up with the conversations around flexibility.

Mark: Sounds very cool. How can somebody get a hold of it then? Like I know that you've got your own special copy.

Katie: Yes, I do. So if you want to get a hold of that copy, you can scan the QR code on the screen now, or you can visit our website at www.peopletopeople.com.au, or you can give us a call on 1300 121 727. So once you request a copy of that report, we'll be able to come out to you in person and go through it with you.

Mark: Yeah, so that's an important message there, I think, for everybody. So everyone thinks, well, can't I just download it? No, this is something that we give back to our clients and candidates over time. And for those who are hiring managers, particularly what we'd like to get in return is 20 minutes of your time. So we'll deliver the report to you, talk about the market, find out about your hiring intentions. If you want to download a copy, then we do release it generally, but it won't be till September of this year. So please expect that you request a copy that we'll give you a call. We'll want to go out and see you in person.

Mark: Fantastic. All right. Well, thanks, Katie. Thanks for joining us on P2P Live with your little tip for finding or getting a hold of the P2P post. So thanks, and we'll see you next time.

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Featuring Katie Dean

Season Three
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Join Group Managing Director Mark Smith for the latest insights into the employment and job seeker markets. Explore our hot jobs across Australia and some exciting opportunities abroad in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

This week, Mark is joined by Permanent Specialist Recruitment Consultant Katie Dean to discuss the release of people2people's latest 2024 Employment and Salary Trends Report, and how it can help your team delve into the future of recruitment, job seekers' expectations and company culture alongside the latest labour market trends to ensure you make the right decisions in 2024.

About our speaker

Katie joined the people2people Melbourne team in 2023 as a Permanent Specialist Recruitment Consultant. Prior to coming onboard with our Victoria office, Katie worked as a Project Coordinator for a leading transport service provider in London before moving back home to New Zealand in early 2021. Eventually Katie would jump the ditch to Australia where she would jump into her new career in recruitment with people2people. Katie specialises in recruiting permanent legal business support and accounting roles, and is excited to continue her new journey in Australia.

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