How to Keep Employees Happy and Healthy During Winter

With more relaxation of covid rules and an increasing number of staff returning to work in the office. The thought of working in an office environment over the winter months can be pretty bleak. With shorter days and colder weather, finding the motivation to stay healthy and fit can be difficult for employees and businesses. No wonder we call it the ‘winter blues’!

Despite this, there are ways to counteract the consequences of winter and keep employees healthy, happy and productive. Here are some ideas on how to keep your office running at optimal speed.

Desk Exercise!
There are plenty of
exercises that can be done at a desk. Provide information to your employees on how to perform desk exercises and encourage an office culture that supports desk exercising.

Exercising makes the body produce endorphins. This relieves the stress and can assist making employees more productive and as we know, happy employees get more done. Here are some good desk exercises to teach employees:

1) Seated Leg Raise - for this exercise, sit in an office chair. 
- Straighten one leg until it is parallel with the floor.
- Hold it in place for ten seconds
- Then slowly lower it.
- Repeat with the other leg.
- Perform the exercise on each leg a few times. 

2) Running Feet - Sitting upright in an office chair, move the feet up and down as if running in place. Perform for 30 second intervals, as many times as desired. 

3 ) Chair Dip
- Place hands on a stable chair, with the back facing the chair.
- Put your feet out in front of you until the legs are straight.
- Slowly move your body up and down using the arms – in a reverse push up motion. 

4) Weight Lifting. 
- Grab anything that can be used as a weight. ( water bottles work well for this!)
- Holding your arms out to the side, lift the makeshift weights up and down.
- Make sure to go slowly. 

The health benefits of regular exercise cannot be understated. Exercising should be especially encouraged in winter, when employees are more likely to be stuck inside and sedentary. 

Cuddly Office!

A new study is creating quite a stir about a surprising subject: office temperature

Anyone ever involved in ‘climate control wars’ will know exactly what this is about because office temperature debates can get very heated, literally! 

Not only is office temperature important for employee comfort, but it can also directly affect efficiency and health. A CareerBuilder survey reported that 53 percent of employees say they are less productive when the office is too cold whilst also increasing their risk of sickness and if it’s too hot - heat can act as a breeding ground for germs.

This raises the million-dollar question: What is the ideal office temperature?

According to a recent PGI report, to foster a pleasant and productive environment the thermostat should be set to 22 degrees Celsius.

And A Shot of This!

Cold and flu season can cause havoc on an office. Illnesses can spread easily, especially in open office environments and the sicker employees get, the more productivity an office loses. Try these tactics to reduce the spread of winter illness

 - Offer flu shots
- Provide ample hand sanitiser
- Offer sick days/work at home days
- Encourage unwell employees to head home if they are in the office to reduce sickness spreading

Winter can seem painfully long. Offices that take steps to counteract winter ailments (both mental and physical) will see happier, healthier, more productive employees – so a few small changes to office culture can make all the difference!


Disclaimer: This blog is not providing medical advice. For any medical matters, please consult your medical and health professional. No exercise program should be undertaken without prior consultation with your Doctor.

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